My reflections on the future of energy and a call for ideas on how we can make the most out of the resources we already have and those that are yet to come.

Humanity’s hunger for energy has greatly risen over the last few years and will only continue to rise over the next few decades. With the dramatic increase in population over the last few years and the projected growth in technology , we are about to witness an increased demand for more power like never before in human history.

Our excessive use of energy through the extraction of coal, natural gas and petroleum oil, is very concerning as it has devastated the environment. 

Energy production is a very sensitive topic given its impact on technology, economics and politics. Nonetheless, this is a topic that needs to be addressed immediately. Rampant oil production and usage raises the issue of global sustainability and the urgent need for climate action. The decisions we make now about how we use natural resources will impact all future generations. 

I am hoping that we can address the following questions on the topic: First, what measures can we take to satisfy the growing demand for energy? Second, how can we make energy transportation more efficient and ensure it reaches even the most remote places in the world. Third, I would like us to explore ways in which the world can run entirely on affordable and accessible renewable energy and technologies, such as the Travelling Wave Reactor under development by the Terrapower company.

In conclusion, the words of the famous inventor, Thomas Edison, come to mind when he said, “I’d put my money on the sun and solar energy, what a great source of power! I hope we don’t have to wait until oil and coal run out before we tackle that!” 

What if the only other way out was to look towards quantum physics and harness energy on an even larger scale than the sun in a world new to us? I think that would be worth it!

Feel free to respond to some of those questions in the comment section or even comment and ask more questions on the same

Published by ryannapo

Totaly in love with Science!

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  1. Great piece.
    I have a question about solar energy, why do desert countries almost entirely rely on oil and other sources of energy instead of just harnessing solar energy?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Oil is on a higher demand than solar energy, and since nearly the entire world relies on oil, they make profit from that. Unlike oil, solar energy is not able to power most of the everyday engines we use in a variety of fields like the aviation industry, factories plus cars. Hence, I conclude my opinion as to why desert countries rely on oil rather than solar energy, mainly because oil generates a higher profit to the countries economy, than solar energy. I hope that has answered your thought Mr. Mosoti

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Very well said Alex, for now oil is king. Tesla is slowly disrupting the motor industry and with it taking away a major consumer of oil. Maybe Elon Musk will shift his template to commercial aviation and maybe oil will slowly cease being king…just a thought

        Liked by 1 person

    2. In response to that too, many of these desert countries have deserts that are far from where the cities are or where major consumption occurs. Therefore, challenges come a long the lines of transportation and efficiency because power loss occurs at an incredible rate. A lot of technology has to go into this and the challenge they will face too is the fact that renewable energy and it’s components and technologies are limited and expensive. Therefore, some countries and organizations may not be very willing to take the risk when they are already comfortable with their massive oil and coal reserves for example.


  2. Quontum Physics would be a great idea to harness alternative power, it’s clean reliable and above all it’s all around us

    Liked by 1 person

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